What to expect

What happens in a typical Sunday Service?

There's always a welcome from one of our ministry team.

We then spend some time in worship together, giving you an opportunity to thank and appreciate God through singing and reflection. At this point, our kids usually go to Kids' Church.

Each Sunday we have a relevant message which is designed to draw you closer to God by reflecting on the gospel of Jesus or a particular theme from the Bible. The sermon lasts about 35 minutes and we like to leave you with something to act on each week.

Sometimes, we have a time of ministry where we pray for people after the message; particularly if they want to respond to something they feel convicted about.

Each Sunday of the month, we change the focus of our service to include an extended time of prayer, worship or communion. This gives us an opportunity to go deeper in our appreciation of who God is and show our gratitude to Him.

Most Sundays, after the service finishes, there are complimentary drinks and cakes for everyone to enjoy as they catch up with others.

On the last Sunday of each month,we send a street team out into our town of Westbury on Trym to share the gospel of Jesus and to pray for people. This is followed by a meal, back in the church.

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